Agora S.A. - Polish media company


According to the ACT on Statutory Auditors, Their Self-Governing Organization, Entities Authorized to Audit Financial Statements and on Public Oversight (dated May 7, 2009) a key statutory auditor shall pursue audit activities in the same public interest entity in a period not exceeding 5 years (art. 89 of the act on statutory auditors). A key statutory auditor may perform audit activities in the same public company once again after the lapse of at least 2 years.

According to § 19 item 2 letter c) of the Company's Statutes the Supervisory Board has an exclusive right to select the Company's Auditor. According to the Statutes the Company's auditor is elected to review financial reports for the three consecutive financial years. However, the Supervisory Board, at the motion of the Management Board or for other important reason may shorten the period for which the auditor was selected, simultaneously choosing a new expert auditor in the place of the current one. 

According to § 19 sec. 2 item h of the Company's Statute on September 5, 2022 the Supervisory Board selected the certified auditor of the Company's financial statements. On the basis of both, the Supervisory Board resolution and the Company's Statute, PricewaterhouseCoopers Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Audyt spółka komandytowa with its registered seat in Warsaw at Polna 11 Street, registered under the number 144 as an entity entitled to audit financial statements, was elected the certified auditor of the Company that is to audit financial statements of the Company for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025.

Previous, certified auditor of the Company's financial statements was KPMG Audyt Spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia spolka komandytowa.