Agora S.A. - Polish media company

General meeting of shareholders of Agora S.A. is convened and arranged in accordance with the procedure and the rules provided for in the Commercial Companies Code, inter alia it approves the Company's financial statements

decides about profit distribution or covering the loss, approves the performance of the members of the Company's governing bodies. The rules regarding the general meeting of shareholders are described in details in §§ 13 - 17 of the Company's Statute and the By-laws of the general meeting of shareholders. The Company informs about the dates of the consecutive general meetings of shareholders according to the law regulations, i.e. by the means of the regulatory filing and on the corporate website.

GMS Archive

The principles of convening and holding the general meeting of shareholders are set forth in:

Commercial Companies Code

Statute of Agora

By-laws of Agora's General Meeting of Shareholders