Agora S.A. - Polish media company

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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Info box





Kurs akcji [PLN]

10,76 zł





Company data

Czerska 8/10 Street
00-732 Warszawa

AGO -0,37%
mWIG40 -1,71%
WIG-MEDIA -0,77%

Regon: 11559486
Numer KRS: 59944
NIP: 526-030-56-44


Quotes archives



Share price [PLN]

10,76 zł

Change [%]




mWIG40 [%]


Reference stock price 10,80 zł
Opening stock price 10,94 zł
Max 11,00 zł
Min 10,76 zł
Volume 12 648
Value (tys. zł) 138,551
Min 52 weeks 7,72 zł
Max 52 weeks 12,70 zł
Time 2024-07-23 13:06:49
  • Share price
  • Share volume

Quotes archives

Data Opening Max Min Close Change Volume
2024-07-23 10,70 zł 10,94 zł 10,70 zł 10,90 zł 0,93% 15 022
2024-07-22 10,80 zł 10,94 zł 10,70 zł 10,80 zł -0,18% 10 162
2024-07-19 10,62 zł 10,82 zł 10,30 zł 10,82 zł 1,88% 56 321
2024-07-18 10,80 zł 10,92 zł 10,58 zł 10,62 zł -3,98% 19 869
2024-07-16 11,36 zł 11,40 zł 11,04 zł 11,06 zł 2,6% 7 480
2024-07-12 10,68 zł 10,80 zł 10,68 zł 10,78 zł -0,55% 1 529
2024-07-11 10,86 zł 10,90 zł 10,60 zł 10,84 zł 0,37% 18 744
2024-07-10 10,78 zł 10,80 zł 10,70 zł 10,80 zł -0,37% 14 032
2024-06-13 10,74 zł 10,90 zł 10,42 zł 10,84 zł 0,93% 25 552
2024-06-12 10,78 zł 10,82 zł 10,64 zł 10,74 zł -0,37% 1 432

Shareholding structure

COMPANY Number oF SHARES % of share capital* number of votes % of voting rights*
Agora-Holding Sp. z.o.o 5 401 852 11.60% 22 528 252 35.36%
Preferred shares (A) 4 281 600 9.19% 21 408 000 33.60%
Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne PZU S.A. (OFE PZU Złota Jesień oraz DFE PZU) (1) 8 235 951 17.68% 8 235 951 12.93%
incl OFE PZU Złota Jesień 8 126 434 17.44% 8 126 434 12.76%
Media Development Investment Fund, Inc. (1) 5 355 645 11.49% 5 355 645 8.41%
Nationale-Nederlanden Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne S.A. (1) 4 119 000 8.84% 4 119 000 6.47%
Free float 23 468 383 50.38% 23 468 383 36.84%
Total shares outstanding 46 580 831 100% 63 707 231 100%
(1) in accordance with list from KDPW as of the registration date for the Annual General Meeting on June 26, 2023.
* shares in capital and shares in votes were calculated by the Company after the registration of a decrease in Company’s share capital as of August 23rd, 2018.

Podziała kapitału i głosów

  • Number of Shares
  • Number of Votes

Basic information

Established: 1998
Headquarters: Agora S.A.
Company's seat: ul. Czerska 8/10, 00-732 Warszawa, Polska
Main phone: (22) 555 60 00, 555 60 01
Fax: (22) 555 48 50, 555 47 80
  More about headquarters »
Management Board:  
President: Bartosz Hojka
Members: Wojciech Bartkowiak
  Tomasz Jagiełło
  Anna Kryńska-Godlewska
  Agnieszka Siuzdak-Zyga
  Maciej Strzelecki
Supervisory Board: 6 members, incl. 3 independent
President: Andrzej Szlęzak
Members: Wanda Rapaczynski
  Dariusz Formela
  Tomasz Sielicki
  Maciej Wiśniewski
  Jacek Levernes
No. of shares: 46 580 831
Stock Exchange: Warsaw Stock Exchange
indices: WIG, sWIG80, WIG-MEDIA
Market: main
Tradins system: continuos
sector: media
First listing on WSE: 1999 April 20
Agora's codes: WSE: AGO
Reuters: AGOD.WA
Bloomberg: AGO:PW
Share capital: PLN 46.580.831,00
Paid up capital: PLN 46.580.831,00
Revenues: PLN milion 1 424,3 (2023)
Employment: 2 581 (31st December, 2023)
Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością Audyt spółka komandytowa
EKD Code: 2212
Statistical number (Regon): 011559486
Registry number - KRS (received November 7, 2001): 59944; Regional Court for the Capital City of Warsaw
Tax identification number (NIP): 526-030-56-44
BDO registry number: 000025724
Statute: link »


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