Agora S.A. - Polish media company

Centrum Premier Czerska 8/10 is a series of interesting meetings with people from the world of culture


Cultural and educational activities of Agora

For people interested in contemporary music, art and literature, Agora organizes unique cultural and entertainment events, while for those who wish to expand their knowledge, for example, in new technologies or expert IT solutions for business, we have educational projects – courses and conferences.

Extensive experience of Agora and its brands, acquired through reporting and working on numerous cultural and entertainment projects serves as excellent foundation for developing in one more direction – organization of music events, fairs and meetings with interesting people. Such projects are handled by the teams of Agora Group and attract considerable response from people interested in intriguing cultural projects that take place in their city or region. Agora’s flagship undertakings in this area are: Co Jest Grane 24 European Music Fair, Co Jest Grane 24 Festival and Olsztyn Green Festival, as well as a series of discussions Centrum Premier Czerska 8/10.

Agora also organizes educational events in a variety of fields: new technologies, mentoring, internal IT processes. Seminars, courses, conferences and congresses are developed by our dedicated teams. Konferencje Agora organizes large events such as European VR/AR Congress, and members of Agora IT share their IT expertise and experience through courses and conferences.

Culture and entertainment

  • Olsztyn Green Festival
  • Co Jest Grane 24 Festival
  • Nike Literary Award
  • The Krzysztof Miller Prize for the courage to look
  • Ryszard Kapuściński Award for literary reportage
  • Co Jest Grane 24 European Music Fair
  • Local cultural events


  • Agora IT
  • Dobra Energia

Agora’s News


Awards & distinctions

Awards & distinctions

Every year we get many awards and distinctions.

Contact with Agora IT

8/10 Czerska Street
00-732 Warsaw
Phone: +48 507 095 729


Contact with CoJestGrane24

8/10 Czerska Street
00-732 Warsaw 
Phone: +48 22 555 40 48
