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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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May 25, 2021 / 15:26

Agora Group’s good practices listed in the anniversary “Responsible Business in Poland” Report.

Agora Group’s good practices listed in the anniversary “Responsible Business in Poland” Report.

 10 projects of the Agora Group's brands and companies in the area of corporate social responsibility were included in the 20th edition of the largest CSR review in Poland prepared by the Responsible Business Forum. For the fifth consecutive year, Agora is among the top of national companies in terms of the number of social involvement and environmental practices reported for publication. The “Responsible Business in Poland 2021. Good Practices” Report, published on 25 May 2022, presents nearly 1680 projects in total.

Agora was created 33 years ago to fulfil an important mission, which is to ensure that every Polish person has access to an independent source of information, to strive for truth, the desire to discuss events taking place in the country and worldwide, and to fight for equality and human rights. Since the company was established, there has been a sense of social responsibility for the actions taken, therefore CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is naturally included in the projects and services of the entire Agora Group. Faced with the migration crisis, growing social inequalities and rising climate change that took place in 2021, Agora was primarily involved in aid operations, at the same time launching numerous social and environmental campaigns. 

Ten such actions (this is the maximum number of entries to this year's Responsible Business Forum Report) are described in the publication “Responsible Business in Poland 2021. Good Practices”. The projects related to areas areas such as human rights, the environment, consumer and operational issues as well as social engagement and the development of local communities. All good practices of the Agora Group refer to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – specifically Goal 5 (“Gender Equality”), Goal 10 (“Reduced Inequalities”), Goal 11 (“Sustainable Cities and Communities”), Goal 13 (“Climate Action”) and Goal 17 (“Partnerships for the Goals”). 

The activities described in this year's report included projects of the Agora Group, thanks to which, among others: 

  • more than PLN 100,000 collected within the framework of the digital solidarity subscriptions of Gazeta Wyborcza under the slogan “To rescue refugees”, were donated to foundations involved in assisting refugees residing in Usnarz Górny, including Amnesty International Polska and the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights; 
  • PLN 100,590 was successfully collected in the joint campaign of and the  “Zaopiekowani” Polish Centre for International Assistance, to the benefit of the poorest families in Lebanon, for the survival of winter; 
  • more than PLN 374,867, was provided by Agora Publishing House to the Dajemy Dziecom Siłę Foundation, supporting the toll-free hotline (116 111) for children and teenagers through book sales of “All colours of the world”; 
  • EKO Backlight joined the portfolio of pro-environment solutions offered to customers by AMS in 2021. The use of this medium (annually) makes it possible to reduce CO 2 emissions by about 684 tonnes and 6 tonnes of particulate matter. 

The “Responsible Business in Poland 2021. Good Practices” also includes an unprecedented campaign in the media industry, namely #Mediabezwyboru (Media without choice) organised by Agora together with other representatives of free media in Poland in February 2021; the special publication of “History without the Polish woman”, the aim of which was to draw attention to the marginal treatment of women in school textbooks and to initiate discussions on the form of Polish education; the podcast series of TOK FM radio “Care”, the purpose of which was to make it clear what the system of foster care looks like in Poland; climate declaration of “Gazeta Wyborcza”, the digital subscription “Wyborcza” or the support of the DKMS Foundation by the Helios cinema network.

The entire report is available in the pdf versionhere. 

The projects of the Agora Group which were included in this year's edition of the review, as well as in the four previous editions, can be found in the good practice search at: 

The “Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices” Report is the largest periodic publication of the Responsible Business Forum, issued since 2002. It summarises the key issues related to responsible business in a given year. The most recent edition contains 1677 examples of good practices submitted by 283 companies. For more information visit:

The Agora Group has been implementing corporate social responsibility activities for more than 33 years, either on its own or through numerous partnerships. Its approach to this issue is based on values such as transparency, building relationships with partners and the company’s environment, diversity among employees and high quality of products and services. The result is a number of specific initiatives, ranging from educational projects, charity, pro-environment, communication and management projects. Examples of activities carried out on an ongoing basis are presented at: 

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