Agora S.A. - Polish media company

March 30, 2021 / 12:16

Agora Publishing House with a new publishing line for children

Agora Publishing House with a new publishing line for children

"Lolek" by Adam Wajrak, "Rutka" by Joanna Fabicka, nature comics by Tomasz Samojlik and Adam Wajrak or the best-selling „Szkoła bohaterów i bohaterek” by Przemek Staroń - these are just a few books by the Agora Publishing House that have gained a great popularity among children. From now on the premiere titles for the youngest readers will be published under the banner of Agora Publishing House for Children – 12 of them are scheduled for 2021, including 2 new detective series.

In relation to the upcoming International Children’s Book Day – celebrated every year on 2 April, on the birthday of the fairy tale writer Hans Christian Andersen – the Agora Publishing House presents its new publishing line specializing in children's literature. From now on, books for the youngest readers will be published under a separate banner and signed with a new logotype – a small, laughing letter "a".

- Taking advantage of many years of experience, emboldened by successes and full of ideas, we decided to establish a new publishing line. Now, under the name of the Agora Publishing House for Children, by intensifying our promotional activities and developing the offer of valuable titles of children's literature, we aim to share the joy of reading with young readers, their parents and guardians - says Paweł Goźliński, editor-in-chief of the Agora Publishing House.

On 14 April 2021, under the new banner Agora will release "Tarmosia" by Tomasz Samojlik, popular amongst children author of nature books and comics, who works every day at the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Białowieża. A funny story about a badger family is the fifth title in the series called "Zwierzaki" ("Pets"), which presents captivating stories about the adventures of wild animals.

On 5 May, Agora Publishing House for Children will publish a book for slightly older readers – the first part of the spy series "Szkoła szpiegów" ("Spy School") by Stuart Gibbs. Rapid action, humorous dialogues and an excellent game of convention are a recipe for the success of the American author, whose series about the adventures of a young agent and his friends is one of the best-selling in the USA. The second part of the series will be available on the market in July this year.

So far, Mirosław Wlekły's book "Przygoda dzika Toniego Halika" with illustrations by Magdalena Kozieł-Nowak has been published under the new banner. Respected reporter introduces in this book the famous Polish traveler, photographer and filmmaker, while telling a story about one of his extraordinary adventures in the heart of Brazilian forest.

A part of the Agora Publishing House’s new line is a unique project released in February this year called "All the Colors of the World" – a collection of stories created pro bono by a group of 43 authors and illustrators of children's literature. The book – referring to respect and empathy – supports children struggling with violence and exclusion due to their difference. All proceeds from its sale will fund the operation of the 24-hour line 116 111 – a helpline for children and adolescents run by the Empowering Children Foundation.

Additionally, on 24 March Agora Publishing House for Children published "Kocia szajka i zagadka znikających śledzi" by Agata Romaniuk – the first volume of a new detective series with cat heroes. This year, two more parts of the cycle will also appear on the market.

- In the Agora Publishing House for Children’s offer we focus on topics close to our hearts, which is why these books take up important subjects, promote empathy, friendship, passion for nature, respect for other people and the world around us. Our goal is to discover new good, wise, beautiful and bold titles for the youngest readers, which will guarantee pleasant reading and entertainment at a high level, awaken children's natural curiosity and imagination, and inspire them to be better- adds Paweł Goźliński.

The premiere books of the Agora Publishing House, as well as its publishing line for children, are available, i.a. on and as e-books on

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