Agora S.A. - Polish media company

May 19, 2022 / 15:39

Author of a book of the Agora’s Publishing House with the “Polityka” History Award

Author of a book of the Agora’s Publishing House with the “Polityka” History Award

Maciej Górny received the “Polityka” History Award in the popular science works category for the book “Poland without any miracles. History for adults” issued in 2021 by Agora’s Publishing House. This is a story of Poland regaining independence after the First World War, written against the national martyrology-heroic mythology.

We have been passionate about the Polish armed act for years. Górny does not undermine the importance of fighting for our borders, but shows the explosion of violence. We are seeing its further consequences – the May attack, the anti-semitic rout – for entire twenty years. But the worst thing seems to be the fact of admitting that Lenin has also contributed to our independence by voting for the right of Nations to self-determination. For this lack of faith in miracles, appreciation of the previously ignored actors of events, writing against the national mythology, the jury decided to reward Professor Maciej Górny”, from the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences”. Such a justification for the decision of the jury of the can be found on the “Polityka” website. 

“Poland without miracles. History for adults” bursts the bubble of the national mythomania and megalomania. Maciej Górny neglects the heroic-martyrological trend and looks at the fight for independence with distance and a cool head. The book, published by Agora's Publishing House for the first time in autumn 2021, is available at and

The “Polityka” History Awards were first awarded in 1959. Over 400 winners were selected throughout this period. The awards are presented in the following categories: scientific, popular science, diary, source publications. 

This year's winners were announced on 18 May 2022 at the “Polityka” History Awards Gala 2022 in the editorial office of the Polityka weekly. More information can be found here.

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