Agora S.A. - Polish media company

May 28, 2020 / 12:26

Doradztwo Mediowe and HRlink with help in times of crisis

Doradztwo Mediowe and HRlink with help in times of crisis

Free advertising consultations offered by Doradztwo Mediowe and the unique #HRwspiera action founded by HRlink - these are examples of selected activities of Agora Group companies that aim to support entrepreneurs and employees who are suffering the effects of the current pandemic crisis.

Doradztwo Mediowe in a special action lasting from April 2020 helps its current and future clients in creating effective marketing communication. Many companies are currently in financial trouble and are concerned about their future. Doradztwo Mediowe offers such businesses free advertising consultations, during which a media strategy is created that allows entrepreneurs to reach potential clients with advertising. It includes media recommendations, an effective communication plan and the selection of effective marketing tools.

- We are a partner for many of our clients who accompanies and supports them for 20 years. That is why we want to help those entrepreneurs who have problems resulting from the current market situation. We hope that our activities will result in the improvement of the financial condition of companies that we will support in advertising activities – said Adam Kościelski, managing director of Doradztwo Mediowe.

All companies, irrespective of industry, number of employees or legal status, can take advantage of free consultation of Doradztwo Mediowe. Entrepreneurs can send request in this matter at e-mail address:

While, HRLink and its partners launched the #HRwspiera action, which combines technological and psychological support for companies and employees in a situation of change. The company offers specific actions and real help - a kind of "competence dressing" addressed to all members of the organization who have to face the fact of dismissals. The theme of the action is "We don’t say goodbye, we say see you soon".

- Being dismissed is is an experience marked by a huge stress and difficult emotions. However, layoffs also have an impact on supervisors and employees of HR departments, as well as other people remaining in the company. We do not question the reasons or legitimacy of dismissals in organizations that are struggling with the effects of the crisis. Our action is to respond to the needs of both employers and employees in this difficult time - explains Arkadiusz Kuchto, president of HRlink.

The platform offers for free, among others knowledge base, CV creator, trainings and webinars . The website also provides a platform with job offers, which entrepreneurs can use free of charge. It includes, among others: automatic publication of offers and increasing the range of recruitment ads or tools with a ready online outplacement process. can also support those entrepreneurs who are forced to reduce their headcount by designing and implementing a tailor-made layoff program (individual or group) on special conditions.


More information about the project can be found at

Doradztwo Mediowe is a company belonging to the Agora Radio Group, which provides comprehensive services in the field of building effective marketing strategies and creating campaigns taking advantage of the synergies between various media. The company offers sale of airtime and advertising space, in Radio Złote Przeboje, Rock Radio, Radio Pogoda, Radio TOK FM, Helios cinema network and on the Internet.


HRlink (formerly Online Technologies HR) is a company specializing in optimization and modernization of e-recruitment processes. The company limits the time and costs of clients by providing them with - a modern application for recruitment management, multiposting of recruitment ads and managing the database of candidates and communication with recruited people. In 2018 and 2019, HRlink was one of the fastest growing technology companies in Central Europe according to Deloitte's 'Technology Fast 50 Central Europe' ranking. The main shareholder of HRlink is Agora S.A.

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