Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023
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Given the scope of Agora's activities and its long-standing traditions, journalistic ethics and media ethics are of particular importance to us. Freedom of speech, independence, and credibility are principles that have guided Agora's editorial teams for years in their daily work. All content produced by Agora's media is based on reliable and truthful reporting. Reliable sources and transparency are important.
Agora's Code of Ethics is a key document indicating the set of values and principles of conduct expected at Agora and defining those which the company considers inappropriate or unacceptable. It is addressed to all employees and associates of the company, regardless of their function or position in the company.
In particular, the document includes:
Agora's Code of Ethics is supplemented by:
Training on Agora's Code of Ethics is available on Agora's internal training platform and every employee, associate and executive is required to be familiar with its content.
As of May 2023, Agora has two procedures in place to regulate the whistleblowing system: The Procedure for ReportingInfo rmation of Violations and the Procedure for Conducting Investigations. The first of these documents
The first of these documents contains content relevant to a person considering making a report - there is information about reporting channels, the principle of confidentiality and general information about the process of recognising a report. The Investigation Procedure, on the other hand, regulates the process of investigating a case through to its conclusion, i.e. the production of a report and the monitoring of the implementation of recommendations. This procedure ensures that every whistleblowing report is investigated fairly, based on transparent principles.
At Agora, the whistleblowing system does not limit reporting to employees and co-workers only. Business Partners and value chain representatives can also report. If there are suspicions or signals of violations or other irregularities on the part of the Agora Group or persons acting on its behalf, of which an employee from a given value chain has become aware in connection with cooperation with one of the companies in the organization, he or she may report anonymously through the external Ethics Line channel (e-mail:, website:, or contact directly the Chief Compliance Officer of the Agora Group ( e-mail:
Agora fully supports the tenets of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and systematically implements them by setting appropriate standards of conduct and introducing relevant internal regulations. These documents are in line with international conventions and guidelines, taking into account, among others:
As of 2023. Agora is a member of the UN Global Compact.
Given the scope of Agora's activities and its long-standing traditions, journalistic ethics and media ethics are of particular importance to Agora. Freedom of speech, independence, and credibility are the principles which have guided Agora's editorial teams for years in their daily work. All content produced by Agora's media is based on reliable and truthful reporting. Reliable sources and transparency of operations are important, and internal regulations on the publication of advertisements and announcements are also implemented.
The Agora Group also complies with industry self-regulations related to media and advertising activities. In particular, these are:
The Agora Group makes every effort to ensure that the above principles are implemented in accordance with stakeholder expectations. It ensures that advertisements broadcast by the Group's media comply with the applicable law and good morals. In addition, advertisements for high-risk and questionable products or industries are subject to legal review.
In setting the business directions of all segments, the company's management has set its sights on the growth of the entire Agora Group conducted in a sustainable, socially responsible manner. Therefore, in May 2023. Agora has developed the first strategy for sustainable development in its history, namely the Agora Group ESG Strategy for 2023-2027.
The document takes into account the principles and recommendations referring to, among other things, actions towards the set goals, adherence to current standards, as well as the implementation of the UN's Agenda 2030 and the demands set out in the Paris Agreement.
Agora integrates sustainability issues into its business model through activities such as:
The basis for setting Agora's strategic goals in the area of sustainability was the analysis of the elements of the value chains of the various operating segments during the study of climate risks and opportunities, and the scenario analysis performed during the materiality study.
Integrating sustainability issues into its business model, Agora focuses in particular on social and labor aspects by, among other things, promoting popular science, news and cultural content that builds public awareness of ESG issues, joins social and philanthropic initiatives with projects for media education, freedom of speech and media pluralism, among others. In addition, it promotes issues of diversity and inclusiveness both in society and in the workplace, and continuously undertakes activities for gender equality and the reduction of social inequalities, among others.
In relations with the environment, it focuses on practicing ethical standards in its relationships with customers and business partners.
Detailed goals in all three areas, with indicated values and benchmarks, are presented in the Agora Group's full ESG Strategy for 2023-2027, which can be found here - LINK.
An integral part of the ESG Strategy for 2023-2027 is the AMS Environmental Strategy for 2023-2027 - the first document of its kind in the OOH industry.
Stakeholder category |
Method of engagement |
Purpose and topics covered |
Users, readers, subscribers, listeners, viewers and individual customers |
Mailing. Direct meetings and cultural events. Surveys and opinion polls. |
Access to information. Valuable and independent content, promotion of local creators and authors. |
Business partners, including corporate clients |
Direct meetings. |
Business plans, performance indicators. |
Suppliers and subcontractors |
Ongoing contact and cooperation throughout the year. |
Terms of business and timeliness of payment. |
Employees and associates |
Agora Group's internal communication system. Internal meetings and special events. Intranet, newsletter and Teams app. Participation in the ESG materiality study and the climate risk study. |
Working conditions and professional development. |
Trade unions |
Contact and cooperation on an ongoing basis throughout the year. |
Staff issues. |
Regulator |
Corporate website, Current and periodic reports. |
Timeliness and quality of corporate documents reported. |
Shareholders and investors |
Corporate website. Face-to-face meetings and teleconferences. Outcome conferences. |
Agora Group's business strategy, including ESG strategy. Financial performance. |
Financial institutions |
Corporate website. Face-to-face meetings and teleconferences. Outcome conferences. |
Agora Group's business strategy, including ESG strategy and compliance with the EU taxonomy. Financial performance. |
Local communities |
Mass media and social media. Local events and/or for selected local communities. Activities carried out in collaboration with partners. |
Identification of social problems. Creating business value for society. |
Intermediaries and dealers |
Ongoing contact and cooperation throughout the year. |
Terms of business and timeliness of payment. |
When defining material ESG issues for the Agora Group for 2023-2027 in the fourth quarter of 2021, a materiality survey process was conducted for the first time, as required by the EU CSRD.
In October 2023, through a process conducted with the organization's management, the survey was updated and fully aligned with the requirements imposed by the EU ESRS reporting indicator. Originally, the survey was conducted using an extended questionnaire method for different groups of company stakeholders. ESG issues were examined in terms of five parameters in two perspectives (double materiality principle): four impact parameters - the strength of impact, the extent of impact, the likelihood of impact and the possibility of remedying the impact, and one parameter of financial materiality, i.e. the impact of the ESG issue on the development, performance and business situation of the Agora Group. In addition, a study of the materiality of ESG issues from the perspective of the company's external stakeholders (financial institutions, representatives of Agora S.A.'s shareholders and external experts in the ESG area) was conducted, with whom in-depth and structured interviews were also conducted
The survey included financial materiality, i.e. analyzed the impact and risk that Agora Group has on the environment and society, and impact materiality, i.e. analyzed the impact that Agora has on environmental and social issues. The results of the various stages of the study were presented to representatives of the Agora Group's Board of Directors and senior management during a validation workshop, and were subsequently consolidated. The study considered the following sources of information, among others:
The study included components of analysis of risks related to a particular area, as well as multidimensional impact within the areas mentioned. The materiality study was accompanied by the process of developing the organization's value chain, and the analyzed impacts and risks were then related to the processes carried out in that area.
While the three parameters of impact materiality examined how the Agora Group directly or indirectly influences the issue in question, in this case it examined how the issue affects today and may in the future affect the operations of Agora's business segments. Among other things, this impact may relate to the current or future value of the company's assets or liabilities (e.g., to an extent that is not recorded in the financial statements).
It may also concern how financial flows will develop; whether the issue will cause the company to record greater or lesser positive or negative financial flows in the future. Finally, it may concern the types of capital that the company uses, but which are not recorded in financial statements (e.g., natural, human, intellectual, social or relational capital).
ESG issues for which impact materiality or financial materiality reached the level of important or higher were considered significant. The survey and interviews with external stakeholders confirmed the overall results of the materiality assessment and brought additional insight into some ESG topics.
In turn, the results of the materiality survey were taken into account in the process of developing the Agora Group's ESG Strategy 2023-2027, which is an integral part of the Agora Group's strategic directions for 2023-2026.
The management team, realizing the impact of Agora's operations on the environment, local communities, employees and the market environment, has incorporated sustainability issues into the organization's management process. Therefore, as part of the order issued by Agora's CEO in November 2022. On September 7, 2022, an ESG department was established in the Agora Group.
The head of the department directly reports the effects and status of projects at least once a week to the member of the Board of Directors responsible for managing ESG issues in the Agora Group. In order to obtain additional knowledge and support in the area of sustainability, he uses substantive training and the services of external advisors, whose conclusions and recommendations he presents to the management and supervisory bodies. In this way, it ensures that administrative, management and supervisory bodies are regularly informed about, among other things, legislative changes and best practices in the area of building an ESG management process throughout the organization.
Sustainability issues are regularly raised at meetings of the board of directors, supervisory boards or other decision-making bodies to ensure that these topics are continued and considered in business and management decision-making, taking into account, among other and management decisions, taking into account efforts to achieve the stated goals of Agenda 2030 and the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
In 2023. Agora developed its first-ever ESG Strategy for 2023-2027, which lays out a concrete action plan for achieving sustainability goals across all business segments, led by the head of the ESG department. The designated member of Agora S.A.'s Board of Directors is directly responsible for overseeing its work and making strategic decisions. In doing so, the Board strives to ensure compliance with the highest standards of corporate governance, minimize risks related to social and environmental aspects, and build a positive image as a responsible market participant.
In conducting the materiality test in the formula applied to ESG risks in 2021, terminology was used in accordance with the methodology adopted by the ISO 31000 family of risk management standards.
As a result of the materiality study, the following risks were identified:
ESG Department
Agora S.A.
Czerska 8/10 Street
00-732 Warsaw
Head of Sustainability & ESG