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August 17, 2022 / 11:16

“Gazeta Wyborcza” welcomes Serhiy Zhadan – to award him the 2022 Person of the Year title

“Gazeta Wyborcza” welcomes Serhiy Zhadan – to award him the 2022 Person of the Year title

On Wednesday, 17 August 2022, Serhiy Zhadan visited the newspaper office of “Wyborcza”. He is a Ukrainian writer, poet, activist, and volunteer who received the Person of the Year title awarded to him by “Gazeta Wyborcza” in May at the newspaper office. Materials relating to Zhadan and his stay in Poland, including special interviews and coverage of his meetings with the public, the first of which will be held today, on 17 August at 19:00 at Plac Defilad in Warsaw, will soon appear in the digital and traditional “Wyborcza” outlets.

Serhiy Zhadan is well known to Polish readers not only as a poet, writer, and translator, but also as an activist and leader of the punk band Zhadan and the Dogs. Some of his poetry books have been translated into Polish: “The History of Culture at the Beginning of This CenturyDrohobychEthiopia and Antenna, as well as novels: Big MacDepeche ModeAnarchy in the UKRAnthem of Democratic YouthVoroshilovgradMesopotamia and The Orphanage. He is the laureate of the Central European Literature Award “Angelus”, the Brücke Berlin Prize, the Joseph Conrad-Korzeniowski Literary Prize, the Hannah Arendt Award, and a number of other awards. In 2022, The Polish Academy of Sciences nominated him to the Literary Nobel Prize, and in May, he was awarded the Person of the Year title by “Gazeta Wyborcza”.

Today – on Wednesday, 17 August, Serhiy Zhadan visited the newspaper office of “Wyborcza”, who, thanks to his arrival in Poland, had the opportunity to award him the 2022 Person of the Year title. The Winner accepted the award from Jarosław Kurski, First Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “Wyborcza”.
Guests of “Gazeta Wyborcza” at the ceremony included, among others, a writer and publicist Jacek Bocheński, born in Lviv.

- I accept this award on behalf of all Ukrainians, as an expression of appreciation for their commitment to defending their home country and fighting the invasion – said Zhadan. All my people are fighting for freedom and independence, to be part of our shared civilisation.
Giving the writer a commemorative diploma, Jarosław Kurski emphasized: - The Person of the Year title awarded by “Gazeta Wyborcza” is an excellent complement to the recognition of your role of writer and activist. We cannot hide that we consider you an effluence, a personification of all those who have chosen to oppose evil.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” has awarded the Person of the Year title since 1999. As Adam Michnik, one of the awards’ creators says, the editors thus recognise and honour people working for the development of democracy, promoting tolerance, supporting the fight for respect for human rights. Until now, the list of awardees has included fathers of democratic change in Poland and Central Europe, statespersons, people working for the common good, outstanding artists, and writers.

More information about the Person of the Year title awarded by “Gazeta Wyborcza” to Serhiy Zhadan can be found at and in a special video material.

17 August 2022 also marks the first of a series of Serhiy Zhadan’s meetings with the Polish public. In the evening, at 19:00, he will be a guest at an event organised by Wydawnictwo Czarne on the outdoor stage at Plac Defilad in Warsaw. The author's presentation will be conducted by Marek Radziwon, Secretary of the Nike Literary Award Foundation.
On 18 August at 18:00 in Potocki Palace, Zhadan will meet with the public from Krakow. Among others, Michał Olszewski, editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Wyborcza Krakow”, will welcome him and will be one of two interviewers talking with Zhadan. The text will be published in the next issue of “Wolna Sobota” – weekend edition of “Wyborcza”.
Then, on 20 August, a conversation will take place in Lublin Monastery of Dominican Friars – at 17:00. Paweł Krysiak, Editor-in-Chief “Gazeta Wyborcza Lublin”, will welcome Serhiy Zhadan on behalf of the readers.
The coverage of all these events will appear at and in the traditional “Wyborcza”.

During his stay in Poland, Serhiy Zhadan will also speak on the current situation in the fighting Ukraine. The author lives in Kharkiv, where he has been involved in defending the city and helping its inhabitants since the war began. Thanks to cooperation with Stowarzyszenie Czajnia, a special fundraiser for cars necessary for rescue services of the fighting Kharkiv will be organised – The money may also be donated during fundraisers at meetings with Zhadan in Warsaw (17 August, 19:00, outdoor stage at Plac Defilad), Krakow (18 August, 18:00, Potocki Palace) and Lublin (20 August, 17:00, Monastery of Dominican Friars).

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