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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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December 13, 2017 / 16:26

Innovative Radio TOK FM project with support from the Digital News Initiative programme

Innovative Radio TOK FM project with support from the Digital News Initiative programme

“Search the Radio” - an innovative digital project of Radio TOK FM won a grant from Google DNI fund within the fourth round of the Digital News Initiative programme. This prototype solution should allow for digitalisation of radio content with the use of a self-optimising transcription system.

TOK FM radio broadcasts over 19 hours of information, comments, analyses and other broadcasts every day. They are available as podcasts on the Internet, where they can be listened to both through the website and the mobile application TOK FM. Podcasts have footnotes to titles, tags, guest names and other metadata, but all the details have not yet been “visible” on the web. Transcribing the daily programs of TOK FM is supposed to change this - the content will be searchable and readable.

The Radio TOK FM and Agora Radio Group team has prepared an innovative project that will use intelligent audio-to-text conversion technology to transcribe audio from existing and selected podcasts of Radio TOK FM. The application of the “Search the Radio” solution is to transform the Internet resources of Radio TOK FM into a database of unique knowledge, available for each Internet user and fully searchable - the original content found through a special search engine will be available for everyone to listen to and learn.

Due to its unique character as a “spoken” radio station, Radio TOK FM has always sought its own way, also in the digital area. This is how website operating in freemium model was created, a rare on the market paywall for audio content and popular paid application of Radio TOK FM. The project, which we want to carry out thanks to financing from the DNI programme, is another step towards consistent development of the digital brand - says Adam Fijałkowski, Vice President of Agora Radio Group. – We are positively surprised that Google has appreciated the project, which supports the digitisation of the radio business. Text is still the basic “language” of the Internet - success in transcribing radio content into text would allow radio broadcasters to start the next stage in their online development.

The “Search the Radio” project won funding in the category of prototype projects considered in the DNI programme. Its development is planned for a year.

The technological partner of the project will be NEWTON Technologies, a Czech company operating on 11 European markets.

The Digital News Initiative is a collaboration that Google has established with publishers across Europe to develop high-quality journalism through technology and innovation. Within the framework of the DNI fund, publishers may apply for co-financing of innovative projects.

On Wednesday, the 13th of December, Google announced a list of projects to be supported in the next, fourth round of the DNI Innovation Fund. Over EUR 20 million will go to the creators of 102 innovative undertakings from 26 European countries. In Poland, 4 projects received co-financing, including one submitted by the Agora Radio Group.

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