Agora S.A. - Polish media company

December 28, 2021 / 13:32

"O, choroba” awarded in the Book of the Year 2021 contest organised by the Polish Section of IBBY

The book "O, choroba”, published by the Agora Publishing House for children in cooperation with the ISKIERKA Foundation, received a distinction in the Polish Section of IBBY's Book of the Year 2021 contest in category of graphics for Maks Skorwider's illustrations.

"O, choroba” was created for charity by respected authors: writer Boguś Janiszewski and illustrator Maks Skorwider in cooperation with psychologists and beneficiaries of the ISKIERKA Foundation. Addressed to readers aged 9-12, it takes up with a difficult topic of oncological disease in a completely innovative and unconventional way.

The book is a suspenseful story in a comic form about twelve-year-old Adela who meets on her way a strange old woman named Disease. In a professional and understandable for young readers manner, the book explains what the disease is all about and what is happening with the body fighting cancer. It also shows everyday life of young patients, full of surprising events and extraordinary fun.

Anyone can support the campaign by buying a copy of the book "O, choroba”, i.a., on and on, and as an e-book on The income from the sale of the book will be allocated to providing additional access to psychological help for sick children, especially in the face of a pandemic and its restrictions. More information –

IBBY (International Board on Books for Young People) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of children's and youth literature. It consists of 76 sections operating in various countries around the world. The Polish Section of IBBY was established in 1973. More information about the Book of the Year Award can be found at

The award in the Polish Section of IBBY's Book of the Year 2021 contest is yet another one for a charity comic book "O, choroba” – at the beginning of December this year Agora Publishing House for children received an editorial award called "Dobre Strony" for the most beautifully published book for young readers.

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