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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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February 20, 2023 / 12:25

Polish Radio Stations in Solidarity for Ukraine

Polish Radio Stations in Solidarity for Ukraine

On February 24, 2023, on the first anniversary of the outbreak of war in Ukraine, at 8:45 a.m. (GMT + 1) Polish radio stations will be playing the same song - "Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon. In this symbolic way, the radio operators want to express solidarity with Ukrainians struggling with the war.

The action is a joint initiative of Poland's largest commercial radio broadcasters: Agora Radio Group, Eurozet, RMF Group and Time. Each day their stations attract several million listeners. Radio broadcasters are inviting all radio stations - from Poland, Europe and around the world - to join the initiative.

- With this symbolic gesture we want to send 3 messages. The first one is to remind ourselves and the world that it has already been one year since the start of this dramatic war. A war that is still going on, causing suffering to millions of people. The second - we want to show the unity of the radio world against the destructive force of Russian aggression. Last but not least, we want to express solidarity and give encouragement to many of our Ukrainian neighbors who have had to leave their home and are now living in our midst - in Poland, but also in many countries in Europe and the world, the broadcasters say in one voice.

The song "Give Peace a Chance," which radio stations will broadcast simultaneously - on February 24 at 8:45 a.m. (GMT + 1) is a song recorded by John Lennon in July 1969. It was written during a session at a hotel in the Bahamas as an expression of opposition to the Vietnam War. Over time, the song became an iconic anti-war anthem invoked during various armed conflicts.

A similar gesture of simultaneously broadcasting the song was made by radio stations across Europe on March 4, 2022. - We want to do it again, because this war is still going on, and it is our duty not only to report what is happening on the frontlines, but also to act together against it. Even if only in the sphere of such symbolic gestures," the radio hosts add. - Therefore, we invite all radio stations in Poland and around the world to join this initiative. Both those broadcasting on the airwaves and in the online world.

Joining the initiative does not require registration or a request for participation, it is enough that the radio station broadcasts John Lennon's song "Give Peace a Chance" at 8:45 am.

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, which resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of lives and forced millions of people to flee their homes.

A set of dedicated graphics was created for the campaign. The organizers encourage everyone to download and share them on their social media profiles.

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