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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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December 14, 2017 / 13:28

Radio TOK FM No. 1 in Warsaw

Radio TOK FM No. 1 in Warsaw

Radio TOK FM is the most widely listened to radio station in Warsaw - this is the latest Radio Track report, prepared by Kantar Millward Brown*. The share of the station in the listening time in Warsaw in the period June - November 2017 amounted to 10.9%. With this result, Radio TOK FM reached the top of the list of the most listened Warsaw radio stations, improving its audience share by 15.71% compared to the same period in 2016.

- TOK FM's first place among Warsaw's radio stations is an exceptional success! - says Adam Fijałkowski, Vice President of Agora Radio Group. - Warsaw is a very difficult radio market - many and varied radio stations compete for its listeners. This makes me all the more proud of the commitment and many years of work of the Radio TOK FM team, which has made the station have an ever wider audience, appreciating its unique formula. I am convinced that TOK FM will remain favourite radio of many Warsaw inhabitants, who listen to it in order to understand the world around us.

Next places in the list of the most listened stations in Warsaw between June and November 2017 were taken by Radio Zet and RMF FM.

– Record-breaking results of listening to Radio TOK FM in recent months have already been noticed by advertisers - the station recorded a huge growth in advertising revenue, which increased by about 50% compared to the previous year. I believe that the decision of our clients is based not only on the willingness to reach the growing audience, but also on the conviction that the content of Radio TOK FM is highly engaging, which translates into the effectiveness of marketing communications - adds Maciej Moszczyński, Managing Director of Tandem Media, a radio and cinema advertising broker operating within the Agora Radio Group.

TOK FM is the first news talk radio station in Poland that currently broadcasts in 23 cities. It attracts listeners with original programmes, themes and involvement in public affairs. The radio can also be listened to with the TOK FM radio application on iOS, Android and Windows 8 devices. The offer of Radio TOK FM is supplemented by the portal.


* Source of data: Radio Track, Kantar Millward Brown, TG: Warsaw 15+, audience share, all days, June-November 2017, N=1853.

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