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Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


Summary of Agora Group's ESG activities in 2023


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May 24, 2023 / 13:12

Sustainability in the media industry - summary of Agora Group's ESG activities for 2022

Sustainability in the media industry - summary of Agora Group's ESG activities for 2022

Measures to reduce negative environmental impact, fight against discrimination and for gender equality, and defend freedom of expression - these are the guiding themes of a report describing key ESG projects undertaken by the Agora Group and Agora S.A. in 2022. The report, which also presents the goals set for 2023, is available at in an attractive format for readers.

- The versatility and unwavering will to act of the entire Agora, successfully growing in the Polish market for more than 30 years, allows us to carry out our social mission - to fight for respect for democratic values, and in particular for equality, justice and freedom of speech. In this Report you will find many inspiring examples of such actions," stresses Bartosz Hojka, President of Agora's Management Board, in his letter opening the publication. - Today - in 2023, when we are facing the increasing effects of climate catastrophes, the consequences of the war in Ukraine or the continuing assaults on democratic values, the media have a special role - the guardian of truth. We want to be an organization that fulfills this task, and at the same time focuses on sustainability.

Agora, as a publisher of newspapers, books, films, websites and radio programs, or as the owner of one of the largest cinema chains and outdoor advertising companies in Poland, faces a variety of ESG challenges. "The ESG Report of the Agora Group and Agora S.A. for 2022" is a report on the implementation of the principles and ideas of sustainable development in practically each of its activities. It also serves as a presentation of plans for how the company will develop these processes, with a particular focus on the role of the media in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

In the report, while defining its primary areas of direct environmental impact, the Group described the process of beginning to neutralize its climate impact - to this end, among other things, it calculated its carbon footprint in all scopes (for the first time in scope 3, and for the second time in scopes 1 and 2 according to the GHG Protocol methodology), and conducted an analysis in terms of implementing a closed-loop economy (GOZ) in each area of its operations.

As part of its social activities and ethical practices in 2022, Agora Group brands and media undertook numerous initiatives for both aid and information related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, gender equality and promoting diversity in the workplace, working to reduce social inequality, and protecting democratic values and freedom of speech in Poland.

In the publication, in addition to summarizing the activities undertaken during the reported period, Agora set goals for 2023 in both the environmental, social and business ethics and corporate governance areas.

"The ESG Report of the Agora Group and Agora S.A. for 2022" is available at in a visually attractive form - a reader-friendly document, full of interesting contemporary and historical photos of people and places associated with Agora, from the unique collections of the Agency. The very cover of the publication draws attention to the most important aspects of sustainable development in the media industry.

The report covers information and consolidated non-financial data of the Agora Group and its parent company Agora for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2022. It was prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative's International Standards (GRI Standards 2021), without undergoing external verification. This is the company's seventh non-financial report, the first time it has been prepared by Agora's ESG department, which is responsible for implementing sustainability issues across the organization.

Agora S.A. was founded in 1989; it has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 1999. Its activities include such areas as print press and multimedia digital editions, Internet portals and projects, radio, cinema, outdoor advertising, as well as book publishing and film production and distribution.

Since its inception, Agora and its group companies have pursued social and environmental activities, initiating and engaging in a number of projects that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It bases its approach on democratic values, among others, promoting diversity in society and the workplace, building lasting relationships with partners and the company's environment. The Agora Group keeps its corporate social responsibility practices, including sustainable development, up-to-date at:

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